Effortlessly Productive
Welcome to Effortlessly Productive with Annie Veblen McCarty, where we dive into the art and science of mastering your time and boosting your productivity without the burnout.
Join Annie as she explores practical tips, strategies, and mindset shifts to help you streamline your tasks, prioritize effectively, and get more done with less stress.
Whether you're juggling work, family time, or just trying to find more time for what matters most, our conversations will empower you to work smarter, not harder.
Tune in and discover how to make productivity not just a goal, but a way of life!
Effortlessly Productive
Affirmation: I Choose to Say No (Aligning Decisions with Your Heart for Authentic Success)
After two decades of navigating the entrepreneurial landscape and struggling with the weight of societal expectations, Annie Veblen-McCarty discovered a transformative affirmation that reshaped her approach to life and business: "I choose to say no to that which does not align with my heart." Tired of the relentless pressure to say yes and the resulting burnout, Annie found that true success and fulfillment come from making mindful decisions that resonate with one's core values. This episode invites you to abandon the "shoulds" and embrace an authentic path, where saying no becomes a powerful tool in protecting your energy and enhancing productivity.
Join me as we explore the intricacies of mindful decision-making and the hidden costs of equating busyness with self-worth. Learn how to consciously allocate your time and energy toward what truly matters, and discover the inherent self-worth that exists within all of us, free from the need for external validation. This episode serves as a gentle reminder that you have permission to protect your energy, prioritize alignment, and make choices that honor your true desires. Let Annie guide you in crafting a life and business that reflect your authentic self, using the power of affirmations to shift subconscious beliefs and embrace a more fulfilling journey.
Hey, this is Annie Veblen-McCarty and I'm gonna teach you how to be effortlessly productive. I've been an entrepreneur for over 20 years and I got sick and tired of experts preaching what business and life should look like and what I should be doing as a leader and to turn a profit, only to find myself wasting time, burned out, feeling inauthentic and still not making any money. On this show, we are ditching the shoulds. I'm giving you permission to do business differently. As a certified master coach, I believe that everything you need to have success and build the life and business of your dreams is already living on the inside. I'm gonna empower you to lean into what you do best, help you see your path forward clearly and give you the strategy and action steps along the way to become effortlessly productive. Let's dive in.
Speaker 1:Welcome to today's episode of Effortlessly Productive. This is another affirmation episode, so this is where I share some of my daily affirmations with you and why I have that affirmation, how it helps me shift my subconscious beliefs. And, obviously, if you want to adopt the affirmation for yourself, feel free to borrow it, steal it, use it, share it right. It's more of a sharing energy. We all get to share the beautiful energy that comes from it right. So today's affirmation is one of my very favorites, and I will share the reasoning behind it here in just a second, of why it is so important for me to give myself this reminder every single day. The affirmation is I choose to say no to that which does not align with my heart. I choose to say no to that which does not align with my heart Probably makes sense right off the bat of why this is important, because I think often, especially as women, but also as men, just in our society today, we are so conditioned to say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, I will take on more, I will do that thing, I will do that favor for you. A lot of the time we get stuck in this place where we don't want to let people down, we also sometimes wear being busy or doing more as a badge of honor. I know I did for a very long time where I felt like the more I took on, the more I did, the better I was in some way, the more I was achieving, and I based so much of my self-worth on my achievement that that meant the more I took on, the quicker I was getting to that self-worth, and this is a reminder to me self-worth number one is already inside of me. It's not going up or down. It was there when I was created. It was there when I was born. It is inside of you as well. We are all created equal. We are all born perfect and beautiful and worthy of everything. We don't have to hustle, we don't have to achieve for that worth. That worth is there. Saying yes is not going to increase that self-worth, right?
Speaker 1:I like to think of this quote saying yes to something is actually saying no to something else. So we have to be really careful what we're saying yes to, right? Because if we say yes to volunteering an extra five hours a week for whatever it is that we want to put our energy into, maybe that's worthy and valuable, maybe that is something that you do want to do, but we are also taking away those five hours from other things. It's not just about time, as you know, with me, it's not just about time. It is about the E word energy, right? So if we are pouring five hours of our energy into this one thing energy compounds, right. So it's not like time, where it's as linear. We are taking all this energy from these other areas.
Speaker 1:And so this is a reminder to myself to really make sure, when I am saying yes to something or when I am saying no to something, to be very mindful of that yes and of that no. To not just throw the yes, not just throw it around and say yes to everything. That before I say yes or before I say no, I need to check in with my heart. I need to check in and see does this thing number one align with my core values? Is it something that I want to be giving my time and my energy to? What am I taking away from?
Speaker 1:And if something does not feel good in my heart, we say no to it. It is okay to say no. If it does not align with the energy that you want to be putting out, or if you want to dedicate that energy to something else, it is okay to say no. This is a permission slip for you. So this episode is short and sweet, but I hope this was super, super helpful, very impactful. I choose to say no to that which does not align with my heart. Take that out into your day, into your life, into your energy, and see what shifts happen when you start to give yourself permission to say no to things that are not of the highest service to your highest self. I hope you have a beautiful day and I will catch you on the next episode of Effortlessly Productive.